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Your patience is appreciated as I merge the content and functions of the separate club website into this site.

At the May 2nd Board Meeting, it was decided to discontinue having a separate website.

The link to redirects here. Your browser tab will soon show this (instead of srps.photoclubservices)


Zoom Links  for Competitions and Program Nights are at the far right on the Menu Bar

SRPS Field Trips for information about upcoming Field Trips


Upcoming Events:

Santa Rosa Pride Parade, Saturday, June 1st at 11am

This is about the most colorful event on the calendar. It starts at noon but get there early. Great shots exist wherever you look. Pack light since there is a lot of walking and usually hot sun.



Photo Competition with Lisa Rigge

Thursday, June 13th at 6:30pm to 9pm (doors open 6pm)

Lisa Rigge


Lisa began taking photography courses at the MIT Photography Lab in Cambridge, MA. Once in CA, she continued her photography studies at Chabot College, UC Extension Santa Cruz, and PhotoCentral. Her photographs have appeared in LensWork, The Sun Magazine, and Burningword Literary Magazine.



Lisa's background is in Adult Education. She's taught photography, along with many

other subjects, to adults for decades. Thus, she approaches judging as a teacher,

believing that first and foremost, everyone needs to be encouraged in their photographic journey. She tries to use a different approach when judging the beginners' and the more advanced members' work. She feels beginners absolutely need to know what they are doing well, and the more advanced photographers may need to find ways to further refine their work. It's important to her that she be able to recognize what the makers were trying to capture when they clicked the shutter button in order to make the best judgements on their photographs.

Lisa also believes that photographers view their photographs as a means of self-expression first, and any need to impress the judge, second. The photographers always have the last word on their work. Hers is just one of many opinions.

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