Portfolio Review Program (after Herb’s presentation, same Zoom meeting)

Master Program – Herb Gaidus
Color Theory and Practice
One Engineer’s Attempt to Turn Science into Art
Objectives of the Presentation
  1. Impress the importance of proper color balance and harmonies in an image
  2. Begin to see color in the world – images, movies, art, advertising, graphics, from the perspective of color harmonies
  3. Build a foundation, kindle an interest in, and promote a lifelong exploration of the use of color
  4. Learn to use a few tools to analyze existing images, artwork, and deduce color harmonies
  5. Begin to use a Raw Image Processor to tweak images into pleasing color harmonies
For those that don’t have some exposure to Color Theory, it might be a bit like drinking from a Fire Hose, but a PDF of the slides will be available, as will a short list of YouTube videos for further explanation.


On October 27th, the last part (15-30 min.) of this evening’s Program (after Herb) is for members who are entering the N4C Portfolio competition where their submission will be viewed. With feedback from this review, the Competition Chair (CC) will assist members with any changes needed to conform to N4C’s Portfolio Competition Rules.

Entries must be finalized by October 31st to insure all entries are uploaded by the CC to N4C by the deadline.